Can getting your office deep cleaned help minimise coronavirus risk?

The coronavirus outbreak has brought the world to its knees, but we’re now in a situation where more and more people are having to go back to work and start living as “normally” as possible again. Every office manager wants to keep themselves and their employees as safe as possible – is investing in office cleaning a viable tool to achieve that aim?

Understanding how coronavirus spreads

To answer that it’s important to know how coronavirus spreads. From what we know, coronavirus is a respiratory disease that is primarily spread through coughing, sneezing, and hand-to-surface contact. So if someone who has coronavirus coughs, for example, and the droplets spread over all nearby surfaces – and someone else touches one of those surfaces, then inadvertently touches their nose or mouth, the virus is able to enter their system. It’s a vicious cycle, but one that can be broken.

What are the high-risk areas in an office?

An office is a reasonably high-risk area for coronavirus spread because of two main reasons. The first is the relatively close proximity that workers have to one another, and the second is the number of common usage areas.

Social distancing and keeping areas communally used by employees as clean as possible are both essential measures when it comes to keeping the office space as safe as possible. That means all door handles, phones, keyboards, taps, cutlery, water coolers, photocopying machines, office and waiting room chairs, and many other points become viable infection risks.

What is a deep clean?

Deep cleaning, as the name implies, provides a level of cleaning above and beyond normal office cleaning. Normal office cleaning may simply be focused on ensuring any dirt and grime is cleared, any rubbish is taken care of, and the office space is fresh and comfortable ready for the following day. A deep clean, on the other hand, is a comprehensive cleaning of the entire office space that focuses on complete disinfection of every space and surface. Deep cleaning takes longer than normal cleaning, but is far more effective at killing bacteria, and in this case, helping reduce the risk of coronavirus spread.

How should you invest?

So, what’s the best path to approaching deep cleaning as a solution? A sensible option is to provide a comprehensive deep cleaning for your office space, giving you a baseline level of cleanliness to ensure employees are safe to return. That should be combined on an ongoing basis with regular deep cleans, in conjunction with workplace measures to reduce the spread – this can be social distancing, face masks, a one-way system, using gloves where possible, and increased use of hand sanitiser.

Investing in a deep cleaning service can be an invaluable step in keeping your employees safe and your office productive as we continue to fight against the developing coronavirus. Of the few things we know about it, we know that keeping our surroundings as clean as possible is a valid way to combat it. To learn more, or to discuss a quote, contact Clean All Crew today.

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